Education Institution of Believers Eastern Church

Sports coaching classes

Posted in Circular

Respected Parents/Guardian,

Greetings to you from the BCRS.

It gives us immense pleasure to announce the introduction of special sports coaching classes for the students of class I to XII.

Kindly note the following:
1) Manager for Special coaching classes: Mr. Roy Issac, HoD PE, BCRS.
2) Timings:

  • Table tennis: Every working Wednesdays from 03.45pm to 05:30pm.(I-X)
  • Roller Skating: Every working Fridays from 03.45pm to 05:30pm.(I-X)
  • Band Set: Every working Wednesdays during school hours.(IV onwards)
  • Football: Every working Monday to Friday from 04.00pm to 05:30pm.(VI-XII)
  • Volleyball: (For girls only) every working Monday to Friday from 04.00pm to 05:30pm.

3) Venue: BCRS campus
4) Fee: Table Tennis: 200/ month….To be paid at the accounts
Roller Skating: 200/month….. To be paid at the accounts
5) Parents have to make arrangement for the transportation of their wards after the coaching class.
6) Students should have the following equipment- Jersey, Shoes, T T Racket, Towel, Roller skater and protection pad.
Sincerely Yours.


NB: Kindly fill-in the consent form given below and sent it, through your child,
To Mr. Roy Issac (9497 684 375).

(To be returned on or before 5th June 2015)

Parent/Guardian of……………………………………………Class:……..Div:……Adm.No:…………….
I Mr./Mrs.…………………………………………………………………. am willing to send my child for the special coaching classes in…………………………….

Signature with date: ………………………………Contact Number: ……………………………..